Will Matthews

“Thecia allows you to use your imagination and turn your “What If?” into “Why Not?” I have known Thecia professionally for almost ten years and I am impressed by not only her professionalism, but her critical thinking ability. It is rare to find a professional who can consistently deliver strong results, while understanding and working toward the larger picture. Thecia is a Big Picture Thinker!
Over the years she has helped me “get out of my own way,” and implement items on my vision board turning them into my reality. I witnessed this first hand in 2013, I wrote and self-published my first book all because of Thecia’s mastermind class giving me the courage to get out of my own way, and give up what if for why not.
Recently, I was torn on the subject matter of my third book. Within 15 minutes of my conversation with Thecia sharing all of my ideas and themes, she helped me narrow the focus and reminded me of where I would have the biggest impact. Months of agonizing a topic all came down to a simple chat with Thecia. Often times we ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Thecia reminds us, who are you not to be all those things and more.”
Onika Mars

Founder and President of Women of Substance
“God bless the day I stumbled upon Thecia Jenkins while researching on domestic violence. I reached out to her for assistance to prepare for my first domestic violence training for healthcare providers. I got more than I had ever expected during the 15 or 20 minutes she spent with me. Afterward I was confident in ability to provide the training with the tips that she shared. She has become my mentor and she continues to encourage me by reminding I can do it. I highly recommend Thecia as a domestic violence consultant and leadership coach.”
Rosa Luna, CEO

Thank you Thecia for closing out the TAASA conference with a bang!”
“It was my first time to host TAASA’s annual conference as CEO, I knew the speaker had to be extraordinary with credibility. I immediately thought of Thecia!! Her keynote was outstanding, uplifting, and enlightening with a concise message. Her words and style captivated the audience, this is amazing as her speech was at the end of the day! The impact of her keynote resonates till this day as we chat about leadership and what we learned that day from Thecia.
James Addison

Founder/CEO and Master Trainer at Addison International Center for Emotional Intelligence.
“Instilling passion creativity, shared goals and building meaningful relationships is what Addison International experienced with Thecia! I shared with Thecia my dream of bringing the first Emotional Intelligence conference to West Africa during a call.
Within two months I was able to organize the maiden edition of #EQSummitAfrica2018 with the coaching and partnership with Thecia. The event is now annual event with international contributors.
Thecia is passionate and committed to the women’s empowerment and the personal and professional development of leaders and aspiring leaders.
Addison International Center for Emotional Intelligence is happy to have an international strategic alliance with Thecia Jenkins located in Ghana, West Africa.”
Val McCray, Speaker, Writer and Author

“Partnering with Thecia as my coach has been most rewarding both personally and professionally! I highly recommend her as a performance improvement coach because she is patient, a great listener and highly skilled in the area of providing constructive criticism with sensitivity and compassion.”
Australia Edinborough

“Partnering with Thecia as my coach has been a positive transformation and a boost of confidence , I highly recommend her as a performance improvement coach because she will equip you with nuggets of wisdom as well as relatable practices to achieve success. Her energy, personality, and transparency will make you regret ever doubting your capability of greatness. Thank you thecia!”
Cynthia Patterson

“Participating in Thecia’s Healthy Relationship Advocacy Facilitator program was much more than training on how to mentor, it’s hard-core in your face on the reality of being a Domestic Violence Advocate. Thecia is committed to have you to step outside the box and do things you have never done before. It is taking the necessary BOLD steps to manifest the results you need, so you can get the results that will authentically transform for your clients.”
Rose Hernandez

“My coaching work with Thecia Jenkins has been solid, encouraging, and enlightening. My success is gaged on her skill of supporting me to make informed decisions about career development and trajectory, as well as offering various tools that I could use –to meet those goals. Ms. Jenkins uses a solution-oriented approach, which involves working with me to see what concrete steps I can take to achieve my career objectives. The core virtue of career coaching I received has been to assess my professional situation with a greater degree of honesty, curiosity, empathy and compassion. With this type of coaching, I saw that I could give myself permission to relax a bit.“
Rachna Khare, Executive Director of Daya, Inc.

“Our organization reached out to Thecia Jenkins because we had a major need to restructure our training programs. While our content and trainers were strong, we found ourselves “reinventing the wheel” frequently and spending significant time preparing specialized trainings. We needed to ensure efficiency and clarity of our message. After partnering with Thecia as a consultant we now have a robust, modular training program that is organized, consistent, and any member of our team is able to passionately and effectively educate a wide array of audiences and inspire them with our message of ending the cycle of domestic and sexual violence.”